Discover the HTTP Port at Runtime

You can access the port the server is running on from log output or from the WebServerApplicationContext through its WebServer. The best way to get that and be sure it has been initialized is to add a @Bean of type ApplicationListener<WebServerInitializedEvent> and pull the container out of the event when it is published.

Tests that use @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment=WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT) can also inject the actual port into a field by using the @LocalServerPort annotation, as shown in the following example:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment;
import org.springframework.boot.test.web.server.LocalServerPort;

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class MyWebIntegrationTests {

	int port;

	// ...

import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment
import org.springframework.boot.test.web.server.LocalServerPort

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class MyWebIntegrationTests {

	var port = 0

	// ...


@LocalServerPort is a meta-annotation for @Value("${local.server.port}"). Do not try to inject the port in a regular application. As we just saw, the value is set only after the container has been initialized. Contrary to a test, application code callbacks are processed early (before the value is actually available).