Locating Auto-configuration Candidates

Spring Boot checks for the presence of a META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports file within your published jar. The file should list your configuration classes, with one class name per line, as shown in the following example:

You can add comments to the imports file using the # character.
Auto-configurations must be loaded only by being named in the imports file. Make sure that they are defined in a specific package space and that they are never the target of component scanning. Furthermore, auto-configuration classes should not enable component scanning to find additional components. Specific @Import annotations should be used instead.

If your configuration needs to be applied in a specific order, you can use the before, beforeName, after and afterName attributes on the @AutoConfiguration annotation or the dedicated @AutoConfigureBefore and @AutoConfigureAfter annotations. For example, if you provide web-specific configuration, your class may need to be applied after WebMvcAutoConfiguration.

If you want to order certain auto-configurations that should not have any direct knowledge of each other, you can also use @AutoConfigureOrder. That annotation has the same semantic as the regular @Order annotation but provides a dedicated order for auto-configuration classes.

As with standard @Configuration classes, the order in which auto-configuration classes are applied only affects the order in which their beans are defined. The order in which those beans are subsequently created is unaffected and is determined by each bean’s dependencies and any @DependsOn relationships.