Relaxed Binding

Spring Boot uses some relaxed rules for binding Environment properties to @ConfigurationProperties beans, so there does not need to be an exact match between the Environment property name and the bean property name. Common examples where this is useful include dash-separated environment properties (for example, context-path binds to contextPath), and capitalized environment properties (for example, PORT binds to port).

As an example, consider the following @ConfigurationProperties class:

  • Java

  • Kotlin


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my.main-project.person")
public class MyPersonProperties {

	private String firstName;

	public String getFirstName() {
		return this.firstName;

	public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
		this.firstName = firstName;


@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "my.main-project.person")
class MyPersonProperties {

	var firstName: String? = null


With the preceding code, the following properties names can all be used:

Table 1. relaxed binding
Property Note


Kebab case, which is recommended for use in .properties and .yml files.


Standard camel case syntax.


Underscore notation, which is an alternative format for use in .properties and .yml files.


Upper case format, which is recommended when using system environment variables.

The prefix value for the annotation must be in kebab case (lowercase and separated by -, such as my.main-project.person).
Table 2. relaxed binding rules per property source
Property Source Simple List

Properties Files

Camel case, kebab case, or underscore notation

Standard list syntax using [ ] or comma-separated values

YAML Files

Camel case, kebab case, or underscore notation

Standard YAML list syntax or comma-separated values

Environment Variables

Upper case format with underscore as the delimiter (see Binding From Environment Variables).

Numeric values surrounded by underscores (see Binding From Environment Variables)

System properties

Camel case, kebab case, or underscore notation

Standard list syntax using [ ] or comma-separated values

We recommend that, when possible, properties are stored in lower-case kebab format, such as my.person.first-name=Rod.

Binding Maps

When binding to Map properties you may need to use a special bracket notation so that the original key value is preserved. If the key is not surrounded by [], any characters that are not alpha-numeric, - or . are removed.

For example, consider binding the following properties to a Map<String,String>:

  • Properties

  • Yaml[/key1]=value1[/key2]=value2
    "[/key1]": "value1"
    "[/key2]": "value2"
    "/key3": "value3"
For YAML files, the brackets need to be surrounded by quotes for the keys to be parsed properly.

The properties above will bind to a Map with /key1, /key2 and key3 as the keys in the map. The slash has been removed from key3 because it was not surrounded by square brackets.

When binding to scalar values, keys with . in them do not need to be surrounded by []. Scalar values include enums and all types in the java.lang package except for Object. Binding a.b=c to Map<String, String> will preserve the . in the key and return a Map with the entry {"a.b"="c"}. For any other types you need to use the bracket notation if your key contains a .. For example, binding a.b=c to Map<String, Object> will return a Map with the entry {"a"={"b"="c"}} whereas [a.b]=c will return a Map with the entry {"a.b"="c"}.

Binding From Environment Variables

Most operating systems impose strict rules around the names that can be used for environment variables. For example, Linux shell variables can contain only letters (a to z or A to Z), numbers (0 to 9) or the underscore character (_). By convention, Unix shell variables will also have their names in UPPERCASE.

Spring Boot’s relaxed binding rules are, as much as possible, designed to be compatible with these naming restrictions.

To convert a property name in the canonical-form to an environment variable name you can follow these rules:

  • Replace dots (.) with underscores (_).

  • Remove any dashes (-).

  • Convert to uppercase.

For example, the configuration property spring.main.log-startup-info would be an environment variable named SPRING_MAIN_LOGSTARTUPINFO.

Environment variables can also be used when binding to object lists. To bind to a List, the element number should be surrounded with underscores in the variable name.

For example, the configuration property my.service[0].other would use an environment variable named MY_SERVICE_0_OTHER.