Creating Your Own Starter

A typical Spring Boot starter contains code to auto-configure and customize the infrastructure of a given technology, let’s call that "acme". To make it easily extensible, a number of configuration keys in a dedicated namespace can be exposed to the environment. Finally, a single "starter" dependency is provided to help users get started as easily as possible.

Concretely, a custom starter can contain the following:

  • The autoconfigure module that contains the auto-configuration code for "acme".

  • The starter module that provides a dependency to the autoconfigure module as well as "acme" and any additional dependencies that are typically useful. In a nutshell, adding the starter should provide everything needed to start using that library.

This separation in two modules is in no way necessary. If "acme" has several flavors, options or optional features, then it is better to separate the auto-configuration as you can clearly express the fact some features are optional. Besides, you have the ability to craft a starter that provides an opinion about those optional dependencies. At the same time, others can rely only on the autoconfigure module and craft their own starter with different opinions.

If the auto-configuration is relatively straightforward and does not have optional features, merging the two modules in the starter is definitely an option.


You should make sure to provide a proper namespace for your starter. Do not start your module names with spring-boot, even if you use a different Maven groupId. We may offer official support for the thing you auto-configure in the future.

As a rule of thumb, you should name a combined module after the starter. For example, assume that you are creating a starter for "acme" and that you name the auto-configure module acme-spring-boot and the starter acme-spring-boot-starter. If you only have one module that combines the two, name it acme-spring-boot-starter.

Configuration keys

If your starter provides configuration keys, use a unique namespace for them. In particular, do not include your keys in the namespaces that Spring Boot uses (such as server, management, spring, and so on). If you use the same namespace, we may modify these namespaces in the future in ways that break your modules. As a rule of thumb, prefix all your keys with a namespace that you own (for example acme).

Make sure that configuration keys are documented by adding field javadoc for each property, as shown in the following example:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

import java.time.Duration;


public class AcmeProperties {

	 * Whether to check the location of acme resources.
	private boolean checkLocation = true;

	 * Timeout for establishing a connection to the acme server.
	private Duration loginTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(3);

	// getters/setters ...

	public boolean isCheckLocation() {
		return this.checkLocation;

	public void setCheckLocation(boolean checkLocation) {
		this.checkLocation = checkLocation;

	public Duration getLoginTimeout() {
		return this.loginTimeout;

	public void setLoginTimeout(Duration loginTimeout) {
		this.loginTimeout = loginTimeout;

import java.time.Duration

class AcmeProperties(

	 * Whether to check the location of acme resources.
	var isCheckLocation: Boolean = true,

	 * Timeout for establishing a connection to the acme server.
	var loginTimeout:Duration = Duration.ofSeconds(3))
You should only use plain text with @ConfigurationProperties field Javadoc, since they are not processed before being added to the JSON.

Here are some rules we follow internally to make sure descriptions are consistent:

  • Do not start the description by "The" or "A".

  • For boolean types, start the description with "Whether" or "Enable".

  • For collection-based types, start the description with "Comma-separated list"

  • Use java.time.Duration rather than long and describe the default unit if it differs from milliseconds, such as "If a duration suffix is not specified, seconds will be used".

  • Do not provide the default value in the description unless it has to be determined at runtime.

Make sure to trigger meta-data generation so that IDE assistance is available for your keys as well. You may want to review the generated metadata (META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json) to make sure your keys are properly documented. Using your own starter in a compatible IDE is also a good idea to validate that quality of the metadata.

The “autoconfigure” Module

The autoconfigure module contains everything that is necessary to get started with the library. It may also contain configuration key definitions (such as @ConfigurationProperties) and any callback interface that can be used to further customize how the components are initialized.

You should mark the dependencies to the library as optional so that you can include the autoconfigure module in your projects more easily. If you do it that way, the library is not provided and, by default, Spring Boot backs off.

Spring Boot uses an annotation processor to collect the conditions on auto-configurations in a metadata file (META-INF/ If that file is present, it is used to eagerly filter auto-configurations that do not match, which will improve startup time.

When building with Maven, it is recommended to add the following dependency in a module that contains auto-configurations:


If you have defined auto-configurations directly in your application, make sure to configure the spring-boot-maven-plugin to prevent the repackage goal from adding the dependency into the fat jar:


With Gradle, the dependency should be declared in the annotationProcessor configuration, as shown in the following example:

dependencies {
	annotationProcessor "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure-processor"

Starter Module

The starter is really an empty jar. Its only purpose is to provide the necessary dependencies to work with the library. You can think of it as an opinionated view of what is required to get started.

Do not make assumptions about the project in which your starter is added. If the library you are auto-configuring typically requires other starters, mention them as well. Providing a proper set of default dependencies may be hard if the number of optional dependencies is high, as you should avoid including dependencies that are unnecessary for a typical usage of the library. In other words, you should not include optional dependencies.

Either way, your starter must reference the core Spring Boot starter (spring-boot-starter) directly or indirectly (there is no need to add it if your starter relies on another starter). If a project is created with only your custom starter, Spring Boot’s core features will be honoured by the presence of the core starter.